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Second Apocalypse Wiki

The Vulgar Holy War is the name given to the first contingent of the Holy War to march against the Fanim.[1]

Emperor Ikurei Xerius III conspired to send the first half of the Holy War to its destruction, for multiple political reasons: to confirm a secret alliance with the Fanim, and to convince Maithanet and the other nobles of the Holy War of the strength of the Fanim so that they would accept his Indenture in exchange for the leadership of Ikurei Conphas. His machinations are successful, and the entire group that marches is wiped out at the Fourth Battle of Mengedda.

The group was known as the Vulgar Holy War because it consisted primarily of rabble rather than professional soldiers or nobles.[2]



The Vulgar Holy War recalls the real-world People's Crusade. Not only the name—the word "Vulgar" has a Latin root that means "of the common people"—but also its composition—the People's Crusade consisted out of a very large host lacking in professional soldiers and leadership—and its fate— the People's Crusade set off early and was annihilated by the Muslim defenders—are the same.


  1. Encyclopedic Glossary, ‘Vulgar Holy War’
  2. The Darkness That Comes Before, Chapter 11