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Second Apocalypse Wiki

Husyelt is the God of the hunt. One of the so-called Compensatory Gods, who reward devotion in life with paradise in the afterlife, Husyelt comes after only Yatwer and Gilgaöl in Cultic popularity, particularly in the Middle-North. In the Higarata, the collection of subsidiary writings that form the scriptural core of the Cults, Husyelt is depicted as the most anthropocentric of the Hundred Gods, as intent upon enabling his worshippers as he is upon securing their obedience and devotion.[1] In The Chronicle of the Tusk, after:

“The Prophet Angeshraël came down from his fast on Mount Eshki. Husyelt, the Tusk tells us, sent a hare to him, so he might eat at last. Angeshraël skinned the Hunter’s gift and struck a fire so he might feast. When he had eaten and was content, sacred Husyelt, the Holy Stalker, joined him at his fire, for the Gods in those days had not left the world in the charge of Men. Angeshraël, recognizing the God as the God, fell immediately to his knees before the fire, not thinking where he would throw his face. And the God said, ‘Why does our Prophet fall to his knees only? Are not Prophets Men like other Men? Should they not throw their faces to the earth?’ To which Angeshraël replied, ‘I find my fire before me.’ And peerless Husyelt said, ‘The fire burns across earth, and what fire consumes becomes earth. I am your God. Throw your face to the earth.’ So Angeshraël, the Tusk tells us, bowed his head into the flames.[2]

The Cult of Husyelt is rumoured to be extraordinarily wealthy, and high-ranking members of the Husyeltic priesthood often possess as much political clout as Shrial apparati.[1] Shanks of butchered antelope are burned for Husyelt.[3] After cursing, some superstitious people counter by making “the sign of Husyelt, the Dark Hunter.”[4] Husyelt is also commonly called the Dark Hunter and the Stalker.[5][6]


  1. 1.0 1.1 Encyclopedic Glossary, ‘Husyelt’
  2. The Warrior-Prophet, Chapter 11
  3. The Warrior-Prophet, Chapter 6
  4. The Darkness That Comes Before, Prologue
  5. Encyclopedic Glossary, ‘Dark Hunter, the’
  6. Encyclopedic Glossary, ‘Stalker, the’