Anasûrimbor Samarmas is the fourth son and seventh and youngest child of Kellhus and Esmenet. He is the twin brother of Kelmomas.
Samarmas looks identical to his twin Kelmomas[1], thus having curly blond hair[1], blue eyes[1] and pale skin[2].
He is unique among Kellhus' children in that he did not inherit any of his father's Dûnyain traits.
What Came Before[]
From birth, he and his twin locked gazes with the other for the first (very) few years of their lives. If they were ever forced to be apart, each sank into total despondency. Soon after they separated psychologically, it was discovered that Kelmomas inherited Dûnyain traits while Samarmas did not.
The Judging Eye[]
Samarmas was murdered by his twin Kelmomas in what looked like an accident.