Second Apocalypse Wiki
Second Apocalypse Wiki

The god of deception and trickery, Ajokli is also known as the Four-Horned Brother

Ajokli was the God of thievery and deception. Though listed among the primary Gods in The Chronicle of the Tusk, there is no true Cult of Ajokli, but rather an informal network of devotees scattered across the great cities of the Three Seas.

Ajokli is oft mentioned in the secondary scriptures of the different Cults, sometimes as a mischievous companion of the Gods, other times as a cruel or malicious competitor.

In the Mar’eddat, he is the faithless husband of Gierra.[1]

Idols of Ajokli show him as a leering figure with a huge penis that reaches up to his chin.[2]

In The Warrior Prophet[]

During a walk through Asgilioch Achamian observed that the Conriyan set up pavilions on summits just below the fortress, among them were golden pavilions dedicated to certain cults such as Gilgaöl, Yatwer, Momas, Onkis and Ajokli.[3]

Notes and References[]

  1. Encyclopedic Glossary, ‘Ajokli’
  2. The Thousandfold Thought, Chapter 10
  3. The Warrior Prophet, Chapter 3